Arm Lift in Fort Worth

The Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery

Dr. Goggin consults a prospective patient in an office.

An arm lift can address the concern of loose, excess skin due to the aging process or result of significant weight loss to provide exceptional results. 

Wear the Clothing You Want 

After excess or loose skin is removed, patients often report being able to wear more form fitting clothes and outfits that boosts their confidence. 

Get Back Your Confidence

After undergoing arm lift surgery, many patients experience a boost in confidence and self-esteem knowing that their arms are slimmer and toned. 

Enduring Results

As long as the patient maintains a stable weight and healthy lifestyle, the results of an arm lift procedure are typically permanent and long-lasting. The arms will continue to age naturally over time.

What to Expect

Westside Plastic Surgery practice façade.


The Westside Plastic Surgery team is excited to meet you! At your consultation appointment, Dr. Goggin will review your medical history,  discuss your goals, perform a brief physical examination, and then provide you with his professional recommendations. He will spend time reviewing before and after photos, discuss a variety of treatment options, and answer any questions that you may have. He takes his time to create a personalized plan to reach your desired aesthetic outcome. His team will then provide you information regarding recovery timeline, cost of procedure, and financing options. Dr. Goggin is knowledgeable in the latest research, techniques, and advances in the field to provide you the best care possible.



Before your surgery, our team will give you a pre-operative packet with a list of instructions in preparation for your surgery. We will spend time reviewing these instructions with you to ensure that you are confident and comfortable before your procedure. Our goal is to provide education and be there for you every step of the way. Patients should be off all blood thinners 2 weeks prior to surgery. We advise strict smoking/nicotine cessation 6 weeks prior to surgery and 6 weeks after. 


Recovery Timeline

Dr. Goggin and the Westside team will give you specific information regarding aftercare to optimize your post-op recovery. Our team will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Recovery time can be variable between patients and surgeries. After arm lift surgery, recovery is typically 1 week. Most patients will require assistance for the first 24 hours after su

Brachioplasty FAQs

Is the scarring noticeable in an arm lift?


As with any surgery, there are permanent scars left behind. These scars are concealed in areas of the arm that are not easily visible to others. 

How much skin is removed during an arm lift?


The amount of skin that is removed during an arm lift is determined based on how much excess skin an individual person has. During your consultation, Dr. Goggin will discuss your aesthetic goals and give his professional recommendations.

Can I get liposuction in my arms instead of an arm lift?


Your surgical plan is determined based on the amount of fat that is present and the quality of your skin. Patients who have had major weight loss typically have loose skin which does not respond well to liposuction alone. During your consultation, Dr. Goggin will discuss your aesthetic goals and give his professional recommendations to determine which procedure is right for you.