Breast Implant Revision Forth Worth

Common Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery


Capsular Contracture 

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue surrounding the implant hardens excessively, squeezing the implant and producing discomfort and/or an unnatural breast appearance. This complication usually requires removal of the scar tissue. 

Bottoming Out 

Bottoming out occurs when the breast implant descends below the breast crease, causing the breast to lose volume in the upper portion. This complication can also cause the nipple to appear too high on the breast. 

Positioning Issues 

When breast implants are placed too closely together, too far apart, or when they do not “settle” into the correct position the solution may be to make adjustments to the pocket of the implant. This is performed using stitches or mesh. 

Ruptured Implant 

Rupture can occur with either silicone or saline implants. During breast revision surgery for a ruptured implant, your surgeon will remove the affected implant and replace the implant

Size Change 

A patient may desire to have larger or smaller implants.

What to Expect

A woman in scrubs smiles at a woman on a chair.


The Westside Plastic Surgery team is excited to meet you! At your consultation appointment, Dr. Goggin will review your medical history,  discuss your goals, perform a brief physical examination, and then provide you with his professional recommendations. He will spend time reviewing before and after photos, discuss a variety of treatment options, and answer any questions that you may have. He takes his time to create a personalized plan to reach your desired aesthetic outcome. His team will then provide you information regarding recovery timeline, cost of procedure, and financing options. Dr. Goggin is knowledgeable in the latest research, techniques, and advances in the field to provide you the best care possible.



Before your surgery, our team will give you a pre-operative packet with a list of instructions in preparation for your surgery. We will spend time reviewing these instructions with you to ensure that you are confident and comfortable before your procedure. Our goal is to provide education and be there for you every step of the way. Patients should be off all blood thinners 2 weeks prior to surgery. We advise strict smoking/nicotine cessation 6 weeks prior to surgery and 6 weeks after. 


Recovery Timeline

Dr. Goggin and the Westside team will give you specific information regarding aftercare to optimize your post-op recovery. Our team will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Recovery time can be variable between patients and surgeries. After breast implant revision surgery, recovery is typically 5-7 days. Most patients will require assistance for the first 24 hours after surgery.  We recommend you drink plenty of fluids, eat a healthy diet, and walk often to optimize healing.

Breast Implant Revision FAQ

What can a breast implant revision improve?


Breast implant revision surgery addresses issues related to size and position of implants, as well as implants affected by rupture or capsular contracture.