Breast Augmentation Fort Worth

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Lauren – Breast Augmentation

Is a breast augmentation right for me?

A brunette woman smiles while leaning against the wall.

A breast augmentation is right for you if you have:

  • Small breast size
  • Deflation after pregnancy/weight loss/breastfeeding
  • Asymmetry 
  • Lack of cleavage/volume

There are several important decisions to make when planning your breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Goggin will discuss these options including:

  • Type of implant:  saline vs. silicone
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Breast implant location: above vs. below the muscle
  • Scar location

For optimal results, some patients may require a lift and implant. A breast augmentation with a lift can help to restore both shape and volume. Dr. Goggin will give you his recommendations for these procedures based on your examination.

Implant Types: Silicone vs. Saline

Silicone Implants

  • FDA-approved for women 22 years or older
  • Pre-filled with silicone gel 
  • Look and feel natural

Saline Implants

  • FDA-approved for women 18 years or older
  • Filled with sterile saltwater solution after insertion
  • Size can be adjusted during surgery

Shape: Round vs. Teardrop



Round implants can be silicone or saline. They create a fuller breast shape where the density is in both the upper and lower portion of the breast. Women wanting prominent cleavage see the best results with round implants.



Also known as form stable or gummy bear implants, teardrop-shaped implants more closely mimic the slope seen on young, natural breasts. These implants distribute volume so that the densest part of the breast is below the nipple. These implants are only available in silicone

Breast Augmentation Fort Worth

Breast Augmentation Techniques

Breast implants can be added to your chest in a few different ways. The inframammary approach allows Dr. Goggin to insert the implant through the lower breast crease. (This is the most popular option because scarring is easily hidden in this crease.) The peri-aeriolar approach creates an incision around the areola, or pigmented circle around the nipple. The trans-axillary approach creates an incision in the armpit.

What to Expect

A woman smiles leaning against a white wall.


The Westside Plastic Surgery team is excited to meet you! At your consultation appointment, Dr. Goggin will review your medical history,  discuss your goals, perform a brief physical examination, and then provide you with his professional recommendations. He will spend time reviewing before and after photos, discussing a variety of treatment options, and answering any questions that you may have. He takes his time to create a personalized plan to reach your desired aesthetic outcome. His team will then provide you information regarding recovery timeline, cost of procedure, and financing options. Dr. Goggin is knowledgeable in the latest research, techniques, and advances in the field to provide you the best care possible.


Before your surgery, our team will give you a pre-operative packet with a list of instructions in preparation for your surgery. We will spend time reviewing these instructions with you to ensure that you are confident and comfortable before your procedure. Our goal is to provide education and be there for you every step of the way. Patients should be off all blood thinners 2 weeks prior to surgery. We advise strict smoking/nicotine cessation 6 weeks prior to surgery and 6 weeks after. 

Recovery Timeline

Dr. Goggin and the Westside team will give you specific information regarding aftercare to optimize your post-op recovery. Our team will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Recovery time can be variable between patients and surgeries. After breast augmentation surgery, recovery is typically 3-5 days. We recommend you drink plenty of fluids, eat a healthy diet, and walk often to optimize healing.

Breast Augmentation procedure Fort Worth

Breast Augmentation Results

Breast implants are durable and can safely remain in your breasts for one to two decades. Later, you can decide to replace your implants to maintain your breast size or have them removed.

Breast Augmentation Costs

Prices for breast augmentation start at $6,500. Several factors are considered in the total price, including the type of implant and the surgical techniques Dr. Goggin uses to augment the breasts. A quote is provided at the time of the consultation. Because breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered by insurance, but financing options are available.

Complementary Procedures

Some women decide to combine breast augmentation with breast lift, a separate surgery that elevates the position of the breasts. If your breasts hang lower than you would like and your nipples poke downward rather than forward, you can benefit from removing loose skin around the breasts while adding volume with implants.

You may also choose to combine your breast surgery with one or more body contouring surgeries to achieve your preferred body shape. Brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction are all popular procedures that can enhance a patient’s proportions.

Breast Augmentation FAQS

Can I still breastfeed after breast augmentation?


You can safely breastfeed after having breast augmentation surgery. The breast milk does not contain elevated levels of silicone.

Will breast augmentation increase my risk of breast cancer?


Studies have shown that women who get implants are not at an increased risk for getting breast cancer.

Should I wait to have a breast augmentation until I’m done having children?


You do not have to wait. Breast augmentation is a great procedure to add volume or help shape your breasts at any stage of life. However, if you are planning to have a child within the next year, Dr. Goggin recommends waiting after this.

Am I too old for surgery?


There is no age limit for breast surgery as long as you are in good health. We encourage you to schedule a consultation at Westside Plastic Surgery to determine what is the best approach to reach your aesthetic goals.

Where are the scars located?


The two most common incision locations are under the breast along the crease (inframammary) and around the nipple (periareolar). Dr. Goggin will discuss the pros and cons of each to help determine the best incision location for you.

How large will my breasts look after breast augmentation?


That depends on the size of the implant you choose. Breast implants typically span from 100cc to 1000cc, though most patients select implants in the 300cc to 500cc range. Dr. Goggin shows you the sizes so you can see which one feels right and best achieves your preferred breast profile.

Can I exercise after breast augmentation?


Not immediately. While you can incorporate walks into your routine within a few days (in fact, it is a good idea to get your circulation up for faster recovery), more strenuous exercise should be postponed for one to two months. Be especially mindful of physical activity that either jiggles your chest (cardio workouts) or requires heavy lifting that can strain the chest muscles.

What is a compression garment?


Dr. Goggin will ask you to wear a compression garment for a few weeks following your breast procedure. This is a post-surgical garment that promotes faster healing and decreases swelling in your breasts. It should also help to lower your discomfort. Always wear your compression garment, except while bathing.