Breast Implant Removal in Fort Worth

Breast Implant Removal in Fort Worth

Breast Implant Removal in Fort Worth

If your breast implants no longer suit your lifestyle or align with your aesthetic preferences, breast implant removal surgery may be a good choice for you. There are a number of reasons women choose to have their breast implants removed. Breast implant removal, also known as breast explant surgery, is a common surgery, with minimal downtime and discomfort, that can help women to achieve their new cosmetic goals. At Westside Plastic Surgery, Dr. James Goggin is experienced at removing breast implants and utilizing techniques that ensure breasts still look attractive and youthful at their natural size.

Why You May Decide to Remove Your Implants

The decision to undergo breast implant removal is highly personal and influenced by various factors. Some women choose to remove their implants due to physical discomfort or complications, such as capsular contracture or implant rupture. Others are motivated by health concerns linked to breast implants, including breast implant illness (BII), or simply wish to embrace their natural beauty due to a change in personal aesthetics or lifestyle. Dr. Goggin understands the complexities of such decisions and is committed to providing a supportive environment for discussing your unique concerns and objectives.

Procedure Details

Breast implant removal surgery with Dr. James Goggin is a customized procedure. The surgery typically involves making an incision in the same location as your previous breast augmentation to minimize additional scarring. Dr. Goggin carefully removes the implants and any associated scar tissue, ensuring a smooth and aesthetically pleasing result. Finally, he drains excess fluids and sutures the incisions.

Breast Implant Removal Recovery

Breast Explant in Fort Worth

Recovery from breast implant removal varies among patients, but most can anticipate returning to their daily routines within one week. Overall, it is much easier than recovering from the original breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Goggin and our supportive team at Westside Plastic Surgery will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure that your recovery is as comfortable and seamless as possible.

Complementary Procedures

To enhance the aesthetic outcome of breast implant removal, Dr. Goggin may suggest combining additional procedures such as a breast lift or fat transfer to the breast. These additional surgeries can help achieve a natural, uplifted breast contour and restore volume lost after implant removal. During your consultation, Dr. Goggin will discuss these options and recommend a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Breast Implant Removal Costs

The cost of breast implant removal surgery can vary based on multiple factors. Our team will provide a detailed cost estimate after devising a surgical plan during your consultation. We also offer financing options to help make your journey to wellness and confidence accessible and stress-free. Typically, this procedure is not covered by insurance since the implants were originally inserted for cosmetic purposes.

Schedule a Consultation

Choosing to remove your breast implants is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your well-being and self-image. Dr. James Goggin is a compassionate, board-certified plastic surgeon who can guide you through this journey. To discuss your options with a top doctor, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Goggin at Westside Plastic Surgery by calling 817-961-1950 today.