Botox & Dysport in Fort Worth TX

Types of Injectables


BOTOX® Cosmetic

Made of a protein derived from botulinum toxin A, BOTOX® Cosmetic relaxes the targeted muscles and is FDA approved for treating fine lines and wrinkles, deep lines on the forehead, frown lines and furrows between the eyebrows, and crow’s feet. BOTOX® Cosmetic typically takes four to seven days for the onset to be noticeable, and the results usually last between three to four months.

In addition to cosmetic facial rejuvenation, BOTOX® is also an FDA-approved treatment for chronic migraine headaches, primary axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating), and an overactive bladder.


Dysport® has been FDA approved for use in the United States since 2009. Dysport® is similar to BOTOX® Cosmetic but has a slightly faster onset, with results becoming apparent in one to two days. Dysport® offers natural-looking results that last up to four months.


Which Neurotoxin is Right for Me?

The right neurotoxin for you will depend on the correction needed. During your initial consultation, Dr. Goggin will evaluate you to determine the best injectable(s) to meet your individual needs and achieve your goals.

Neurotoxin Injection Details

Botox & Dysport Fort Worth, TX

Botox and Dysport are quick treatments, usually completed in under 10 minutes. To begin, the patient has a topical numbing agent applied to the treatment area to keep him or her comfortable during the injection. Aside from noticing a brief prick when the injection is administered, the patient should not feel much of anything as the Botox freezes the targeted muscle.

The patient is free to resume his or her normal activities as soon as the treatment is complete, with no downtime required. Although the treated muscles will freeze immediately, it can take a few days to a couple weeks for the existing lines to fade from the skin.

Other Uses for Botox

Botox & Dysport cosmetic uses

Botox and Dysport can be used to address several other issues (cosmetic and medical) aside from diminishing unwanted wrinkles. These include:

  • Hyperhidrosis: People who sweat excessively from their underarms and hands can reduce perspiration with Botox injections.
  • Headache relief: Some patients with chronic migraines have found relief from Botox injections. The operating theory is that it disrupts communication between the nerves and the brain that may be triggering the pain.
  • Smoothing the neck: With age, vertical neck bands can become more prominent. Botox has been found to relax these platysmal bands to achieve a smoother, more youthful neck contour.
  • Elevating the eyebrows: Eyebrows that have begun to droop somewhat with age can be lifted with strategic Botox injections, avoiding the need for a surgery like brow lift.

Injectables FAQS

Will a Botox/Dysport treatment hurt?


Typically these injections are painless.

How long is recovery after treatment?


No downtime is required after injectable treatment.  We recommend waiting 24 hours before exercising strenuously.

How long will the results Botox/Dysport last?


Results last 3-4 months. We recommend scheduling maintenance treatment 2-3 times a year.

Which medications should I avoid before my treatment?


If you’re having an injectable treatment that can cause bruising, you’re going to want to avoid Aspirin, Advil, Fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids or any other blood thinners.

Is Botox safe?


The active ingredient in Botox, botulinum toxin, is safe for almost all patients, with side effects limited to mild bruising and swelling for most patients. However, Dr. Goggin does not recommend Botox or Dysport to patients who have a neuromuscular disease or are allergic to any of the injectablesingredients. For cosmetic benefits with minimal complication risks, patients should choose an expert injector and medical professional like Dr. Goggin.

How much do Botox and Dysport cost?


Botox and Dysport have similar costs, with Dysport being slightly less expensive. The total cost of your treatment will depend on the amount of neuromodulator necessary to achieve your cosmetic goals. Westside Plastic Surgery can provide a quote during a consultation. Financing options are available for patients who would like to pay for their injectables in installments.

How is Botox different from dermal fillers like Juvéderm?


Dermal fillers use ingredients like hyaluronic acid (HA) to add volume to the skin to create a plumper, fuller texture that minimizes unwanted lines (static wrinkles) that have formed due to skin laxity. Static wrinkles are separate from dynamic wrinkles, which are caused by muscle movements in the face. Although dermal fillers and Botox are both injectable treatments, they are each best used for certain types of wrinkles, so attempting to use them interchangeably would not achieve the desired results.

At what age can I start having Botox?


While the FDA approves Botox for patients 18 and older, most patients in their teens cannot benefit from this treatment. Only with age and thinning skin will the lines that form due to muscle movements begin to linger on the face to warrant Botox treatment. Although most Botox patients are 40 and older, other factors like sun exposure and genetics can make people in their 20s and 30s appropriate candidates for Botox.